Thank you so much for sharing Lonely Victories in your magical corner of the web, Caitlin!

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I do this exact thing, right down to talking to myself out loud about the writing problem while I'm walking, and ending up dictating voice notes! My ideal writing process is around forty minutes of butt in chair, then an hour walk, then back to chair where I type in what I just dictated during my walk, repeat.

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NAME PITCH: Ruminating Writer Ramble

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All the time. I do my best thinking on my morning walks! But I’m never this intentional about it so I’m gonna try your technique of asking the question out loud first. There’s also quite a bit of brain research to back this up…was it the book “Brain Rules” that talks about how we as humans evolved to think/learn/use our brains while moving/walking/ doing physical things? Fascinating stuff.

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