Sep 6Liked by Caitlin Kunkel

Glad you're taking all this down. One day you'll look back and marvel that this was your schedule (I speak as a former pumper and mom of three).

Also, I looked up Captio and... bad news. https://captio.co/

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OH MY GOD I hadn't seen this news...wow, thank you for telling me! I use this app every day probably 40 times, have to find a replacement.

And I salute you, former pumper!!

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Oh my lord, I am so exhausted just reading this. Yay YOU but holy cow. Also, hang in there.

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haha, you and me both, sister! I think when I can drop the pumping my exhaustion will lift, plus I'll get 2.5 hours back every day. Aiming for the end of the year!

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Sep 5Liked by Caitlin Kunkel

Caitlin, I feel like I could have written this -- right down to the dog fur (chihuahua beagle) on the pacifiers My kiddo is 4.5 months and I'm also trying to squeeze in creative work around taking care of and enjoying a baby. No easy task!

My one promise to myself is that I will write during her first nap of the day. The fun part is I never know if said nap will be 15 minutes or if I'll get a solid hour of creative work in. It's quite the roulette.

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Megan! I'm so glad this resonated with you, and I love that you're still doing creative work in this wild season of life. I am WITH you on the roulette element of work, I either get a ton done because I could have to stop at any moment, or I open the doc and have one thought before I hear squeaking from the other room <3

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Sep 5Liked by Caitlin Kunkel

I have never pumped but believe it would be the most overstimulating thing on the planet. I felt it just reading your experience. Send me your address friend, I’ll source and send you that t-shirt. ❤️

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I'm glad you could feel it, I dictated those sections WHILE pumping to try and get the feeling across. I'll email you my address, you are so kind! And also, I know some people who are interested in paying you for genealogy work...

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Sep 4Liked by Caitlin Kunkel

Champion of pumping out milk and jokes. Glad to hear you're sleeping well!

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"pumping out milk and jokes" would have been the perfect subtitle!! May I steal that for future use??

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I would be honored by this theft!

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Caitlin you are so funny.

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Thank you, Liz!! If my baby isn't funny I will have to return him, but so far he seems to have a very good sense of comedic timing (farting while smiling).

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Sep 4Liked by Caitlin Kunkel

I love this. Hard relate! Congratulations on it all :)

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Thank you!! And I love reading your newsletters about parenting as well <3

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Book sounds super interesting, can’t wait to read it! Knowing the backstory of the final month’s work will only make it more impressive I’m sure.

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Thanks, Rick! We can't wait to get it in the hands of readers to hear how they use it. Luckily this is the first draft, so I'll have another few months to work after we get our edits. Just subbed to your newsletter!

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Thank you, I really appreciate that! I’ve been on a bit of a hiatus but still writing behind the scenes so hopefully I’ll start publishing again soon!

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Sep 4Liked by Caitlin Kunkel

Appreciated this writing and parenting update and look at your process, and I also am baffled by how long book contracts take to work out.

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Thank you, Julie! Trying to follow you in the world of parenting humor <3

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Happy to have you :)

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This was so enjoyable to read and honestly, I stand in awe of you. Also, found the shirt for you! https://ashbubble.com/product/hold-on-partner-im-overstimulated-shirt/

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