Why subscribe?

I’ve been a writer, teacher and producer for well over a decade now, and I’ve gotten very interested in the waxing and waning of our creative cycles. Sometimes you need to be inputting more so you can output, and sometimes you need to be creating your own thing and limiting outside influence.

Read more about the initial inspiration behind the idea from an interview I did for Delia Cai’s newsletter.

And as a thank you for joining me, here’s a list I compiled of 50+ humor and satire publications and their submission guidelines, example pieces, and tone.

And here’s a list I made of online writing schools.

Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Aiming for bimonthly, we’ll see!

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Subscribe to Input/Output

filling up our creative wells so we can draw from them


I'm Caitlin, a funny writer of fiction and satire! My writing has been in The New Yorker, McSweeney's, and on public radio. I created the online satire writing program for The Second City, and co-founded the Satire and Humor Festival.